A Special Group of People from Coast to Coast have said "ENOUGH!"
The Pink Ladies are an independent group of volunteers, affiliated and associated with The Pink Ladies (a registered Section 21 NGO & NPO). The organisation was established for the primary purpose of reuniting missing and endangered children and loved ones with their families and/or caregivers. The group does not charge for its services which are provided by The Pink Ladies strictly voluntarily and performed for the love of children everywhere in South Africa regardless of colour, creed or circumstance.
Not all cases of missing and/or exploited children make headlines and a large percentage are never reported to the police or social workers. We assist by taking an interest and assisting where possible. We act within strict protocols and operate within the laws of our country. We do not act in a vigilante manner, nor do we condone such behaviour. Among our members and volunteers are lawyers, psychologists, pastors, private investigators and criminologists as well as ordinary members of society, all of whom lend their professional skills to assist in the recovery and return of missing, exploited and runaway teenagers and spouses. This is done in a variety of ways including raising awareness, assisting with the reporting of missing children and adults and referring to specialist guidance as and when required. The South African Police Service is always involved and we have a fine professional working partnership with them. We are independent volunteers driven by passion and our love for children.
![]() Your donation will assist us in continuing to serve the most vulnerable members of our society:
Standard Bank Constantia Br Code 5309 THE PINK LADIES LIMITED Acc No. 27 162 425 6 Acc Type: Current Swift code: SBZAZAJJ You may also donate via our SnapScan Link or scan our QR Code. If you are unable to volunteer your services, you might kindly consider financial assistance, which would ensure our overall efficiency, and allow us to spend more time in the field in educational and advisory roles. It would also provide the means to purchase much needed equipment and resources which would be used to help safely recover missing children (and adults). Should you elect to consider financial assistance we can arrange for you to be issued with a pledge/donations form, and Section 18A donation invoice and certificate, as and when donations are made. Thanking you in advance. Pink Ladies |
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National Whatsapp Numbers: 072 214 7439 / 083 378 4882 (Missing Persons Reports Only) Head of Operations SA Director: Jacqui (Jacs) Thomas Email: [email protected] Queries of any nature, media queries, marketing and volunteer positions: Admin & IT Director: Jacqui (Jacs) Thomas Email: [email protected] |